Barbarah Nicoll, EdD Candidate
A deep love of the human being has continuously ignited Barbarah’s research, and the creation and support of learning organizations and innovation in the not-for-profit sector. Barbarah is a mentor and educator of teachers, youth and graduate learners. She is also an initiator of innovative businesses, community projects. Part of her work is to serve as a facilitator of workshops, seminars, events and training. Passionate about human development and the arising of heart thinking, Barbarah engages with the arts, including expressive arts, poetry writing, and the art of Goethe conversation and social eurythmy, to build inner strength and resiliency for meeting the challenges of living with developing consciousness in our times.
Doctoral Candidate EdD in Educational & Professional Practice, Waldorf Education, Antioch University
MA Integrated Studies
Ubuntu Learning
Kootenay Society for LifeLong Learning
For full course descriptions and details please visit our Course Descriptions page.
To audit a course below, please visit our audit page.
Expressive Arts Zone
This course is an emergent event and encounter. Trusting the scaffolding of the human being as a being of body, soul and spirit, we will explore ancient to present day methods, experiences and approaches to accessing our sense of knowing, of inspiration, and of purpose. Conversation, investigations, presentations, ritual and experiential activities with the arts will invite us into a declarative space of “I am this body of knowledge”.
Learning Invitations:
An exploration of ancient to present day ideas on the construct of the human being.
Exploration of each participant's body of knowledge through various creative methods and mediums, and through a diversity of lenses. Creation or renew a body of personal practice to strengthen and support their individual process of coming to know.
Expressive Arts Zone
Poetry and visual art can be an invitation to the expression of a condensed soul picture, a portal to our inner world through images, colour or words. I have experienced that empathy, through the gate of compassion for self and others, needs the nourishment of the arts to grow. It is empathy that unfurls our heart, that opens us to our own soul and that of the other.
In these 7 sessions we will touch into our soul space, opening a warm space between us, through guided self- reflection, speaking and listening to self and others, creating simple gestures in visual art, and being guided in individual and group poetry writing.
Expressive Arts Zone
Amidst the many activities and experiences of life, our senses can be saturated, resulting for some in a disconnection from our embodied reality. Looking to a holistic view of the human senses, moving beyond 5, 6 or 7 senses, we will explore the mystery of 12. The 12 senses as introduced by Dr. Rudolf Steiner in 1916, are the senses of touch, life, movement, balance, smell, taste, sight, warmth, hearing, speech, thinking, and the sense of the I.
In each of these 12 sessions we will explore one sense by opening a warm soul space between us through guided self reflection, observation practices, speaking and listening to self and others, creating simple gestures in visual art, and being guided in individual and group poetry writing.
TLF faculty conversations between Lewis Thomas III and Barbarah Nicoll.